4R Nitrogen Use in Mixed Forage Stands Part 3:
Developing best management practices (BMP) for nutrient application has long focused on the 4R four principles of fertilization: right source, right rate, right time and right place. This project explores the right source principle. A continuation of two previous projects, the goal will be to pursue the effectiveness of the project across a broader geographical area, moving into the northwest, southwest and northeast to determine its effectiveness across all soil zones. This project received supplemental funding from the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association and will be led by a team of Ministry of Agriculture specialists.
The Impact of Foliar Fungicide on Irrigated Barley Silage Yield and Quality:
The objective of this project is to demonstrate the potential yield and quality increase from using fungicides on irrigated barley intended for silage. Two fungicides with different active ingredients will be demonstrated against a check with no fungicide applied. This project is being managed by a team of specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Methods for Establishing Saline-Tolerant Forage Mixes:
This project will compare two seeding methods for four forages or forage mixes either in a simple planting or combined with a barley cover crop. Barley monocrop will be grown for annual forage crop comparison. Establishment in moderately saline grain land will be determined by rating establishment and collecting biomass. Established forage stands will be compared with canola for economic value in 2023 to assess the difference between forage and annual crop productivity. This project is being led by Lana Shaw with support from Dr. Bill Biligetu across three sites at the South East Research Farm (SERF), the Western Applied Research Corporation (WARC) and the Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence (LFCE).
Demonstration and Evaluation of Management Benefits of Grazing Management Programs to Improve Range Productivity in Saskatchewan:
This project was approved in 2021, but had to be paused for some months. Now launched, the project will evaluate the ease of use of two pasture management software programs for Saskatchewan producers, exploring whether access to data results in management changes to increase resource efficiency and reduce over-utilization. This project is being managed by a team of Ministry of Agriculture specialists.
Updated May 16, 2022
The Saskatchewan Forage Council is partnering with the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, the University of Saskatchewan and the Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence to provide signage at research project sites with QR codes linking to project information. The first project to participate is Establishment of Perennial Forage Crops in Saline Soil. The project page can be accessed by scanning the QR code or by clicking this link to open the page.
Thank you to current & past partners and sponsors on Saskatchewan Forage Council projects:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture Development Fund; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Growing Forward 2; Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Industry Development Fund; Commission for Environmental Co-operation; Ducks Unlimited Canada, Greencover Canada Program; Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre, Thompson Rivers University, Northeast Agricultural Research Foundation, Western Beef Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Saskatchewan and Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Programs; and many co-operating producers and research farms. Visit the completed projects page to learn about partners on specific projects.