Completed Projects

ADOPT 2020500: Demonstration of Grazing Management Software Programs

Despite many advancements in technology and practises in agriculture in Saskatchewan, many producers still rely on pen and paper for record keeping when it comes to pasture management and planning grazing. Maia Grazing and PastureMap are two grazing management software programs with apps that allows for data entry right in the field. This project has two objectives: 1) evaluate the ease of use of these software programs for Saskatchewan producers, and 2) evaluate whether access to data results in management changes to increase resource use efficiency and reduce overutilization. Eight grazing cooperatives will test one of the two programs and data will be gathered from the cooperators at the end of each year of the two year trial.

Read the final report for ADOPT 2020500 here.

ADOPT 20211109: Methods for Establishing Saline-Tolerant Forage Mixes

There are many acres within fields of grainland that are currently unproductive and ill-suited to annual grain production of canola and pulses. These areas are problematic for development of herbicide resistant weeds and soil-borne pathogens. Finding an efficient and effective way of coverting those acres to a perennial forage or wetland swale will assist in providing a solution to this common problem. This project will compare two seeding methods for four forages or forage mixes either in a simple planting or combined with a barley cover crop. Barley monocrop will be grown for annual forage crop comparison. Establishment in moderately saline grain land will be determined by rating establishment and collecting biomass. Established forage stands will be compared with canola for economic value in 2023 to assess the difference between forage and annual crop productivity.

Read the final report for ADOPT 20211109 here

ADOPT 2020529: Evaluating Higher Crop Heat Unit Corn Varieties for Irrigated Silage in the lake Diefenbaker Area

Corn is a relatively new crop to Saskatchewan, yet many growers are having success with it in the Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Area. Currently, it is estimated that per acre investment in corn silage ranges from $800 to $1000 per acre. With the high costs associated with growing corn silage; producers are doing all they can to maximize yields. This trial will demonstrate the yield potential of a variation in crop heat unit (CHU) varieties for silage under irrigation. This will be a continuation of a similar project completed in summer of 2021. At both Outlook and Riverhurst in 2021 the lowest heat unit variety was the highest yielding, even though heat units were higher than normal. This has our cooperators speculating that they have been going too high with variety recommendations regarding heat units. CHU’s are measured at Outlook. The average received for the last 10 years was 2406, with a high of 2740 (2021) and a low of 2220 (2020). All corn varieties are rated for CHU’s with the value presented taking them to full maturity for grain harvest. For silage, it is recommended to choose a variety that has 2-300 more CHU’s than what is currently the area average as the intention is to harvest at half milk line and not at full maturity. For this trial, we intend to seed three varieties with at least one variety with a lower CHU than what was the check variety in 202. Increasing irrigated corn silage yields has the potential to increase livestock production in the Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Area. More feed allows for more animals. This project is also important to showcase the production potential of irrigation with the proposed expansion west of Outlook.

Evaluation of Alfalfa and Grass Species in Binary and Triple Mixture under Saline Conditions (ADOPT 20180455)

This project explored the effect of synergies between saline-tolerant forages, including grass and legume species, on soil salinity, biomass, quality, composition, persistence and weed suppression. The final report can be viewed here.

4R Fertilizing Forages (parts one and two) (ADOPT 20190450 and ADOPT 20200493)

Intended to demonstrate and compare the benefits of fertilizing old hay stands with nitrogen loss inhibitors as part of a complete fertility stand in mixed forages, this project was successfully completed in 2020 and followed by a second year’s research, completed in 2021. Both reports can be viewed here: 4R Fertilizing part one and 4R Fertilizing part two. The project was extended under ADOPT funding for a third year; final report pending.

Corn Silage Yields under High Fertility Conditions (ADOPT 20190437)

The objective of this project was to demonstrate the yield potential of corn for silage when fertility levels are not limiting. The final report can be viewed here.

Saskatchewan Forage Variety Demonstrations

This project demonstrated and compared new varieties of economically important grass and legume species used in Saskatchewan and to provide reliable and independent performance information for Saskatchewan producers, seed companies and plant breeders. The Forage Variety Demonstrations ran from 2017-2020. Read the final report here.

Forage U-Pick Tool

An interactive species selection tool for Western Canada. Try out the tool and learn more here.

The Saskatchewan Forage Council has an archive of completed projects for years prior to the ones listed here. Please contact us at for information and reports from older projects.

Update Feb 2025