Completed Projects

Evaluation of Alfalfa and Grass Species in Binary and Triple Mixture under Saline Conditions (ADOPT 20180455)

This project explored the effect of synergies between saline-tolerant forages, including grass and legume species, on soil salinity, biomass, quality, composition, persistence and weed suppression. The final report can be viewed here.

4R Fertilizing Forages (parts one and two) (ADOPT 20190450 and ADOPT 20200493)

Intended to demonstrate and compare the benefits of fertilizing old hay stands with nitrogen loss inhibitors as part of a complete fertility stand in mixed forages, this project was successfully completed in 2020 and followed by a second year’s research, completed in 2021. Both reports can be viewed here: 4R Fertilizing part one and 4R Fertilizing part two. The project was extended under ADOPT funding for a third year; final report pending.

Corn Silage Yields under High Fertility Conditions (ADOPT 20190437)

The objective of this project was to demonstrate the yield potential of corn for silage when fertility levels are not limiting. The final report can be viewed here.

Grain Maturity or Swath Grazing: Increasing Winter Grazing Days

This project looked at increasing whole-plant yield by harvesting barley greenfeed at the hard dough stage of maturity. Click here to view the infographic and learn more about this project. View the final project report here.

Research papers related to this project include:

Rosser et al., 2017. Effects of frequency of forage allocation and harvest maturity of whole-crop oat forage on dry matter intake and ruminal fermentation for beef heifers. 

Rosser et al., 2016. Effects of maturity at harvest for whole-crop barley and oat on dry matter intake, sorting, and digestibility when fed to beef cattle. 

Rosser et al., 2013. Effect of maturity at harvest on yield, chemical composition, and in situ degradability for annual cereals used for swath grazing.

Saskatchewan Forage Variety Demonstrations

This project demonstrated and compared new varieties of economically important grass and legume species used in Saskatchewan and to provide reliable and independent performance information for Saskatchewan producers, seed companies and plant breeders. The Forage Variety Demonstrations ran from 2017-2020. Read the final report here.

Forage U-Pick Tool

An interactive species selection tool for Western Canada. Try out the tool and learn more here.

Integrated Approaches to Control Leafy Spurge in Pastures

Completed in February 2019, this ADOPT project looked at late season herbicide application onto leafy spurge plants weakened by leafy spurge beetles. Herbicide was applied after the beetle larvae had gone dormant for the season and the efficacy of the herbicide treatments was observed. Read the full project report here

Corn Varieties for Silage Demonstration

This ADOPT demonstration evaluated corn varieties suitable to growing conditions in the Lake Diefenbaker Area for silage quality and yield potential under irrigation and dryland management. This project was completed in 2019. Read the full project report here

Saskatchewan Forage Network

The Saskatchewan Forage Network (SFN) was initiated by the Saskatchewan Forage Council with a mission ‘to facilitate a collaborative approach to research, technology transfer, and industry development for all forage and livestock industry stakeholders in Saskatchewan through efforts which complement and expand the current activities and resources at work within the province and across Canada’. This project took place from 2012-2018. Read the Saskatchewan Forage Network final report here

The Saskatchewan Forage Council has an archive of completed projects for years prior to the ones listed here. Please contact us at for information and reports from older projects.