Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference

by: Shannon McArton, SFC Executive Director

The Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference (SBIC) was established in 2010 by a group of five partners that included Saskatchewan Livestock Association, Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, Saskatchewan Stock Growers’ Association, Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders’ Association and Saskatchewan Beef and Forage Symposium. For more than 10 years, this was a ‘go to’ events on the Saskatchewan ag event calendar. Forced by circumstance offer a virtual format in 2021 and 2022, the return to a live meeting in January of 2023 was greatly anticipated. More than 250 people attended “Back in the Saddle.” the 14th annual SBIC.

The conference hosts a number of industry meetings, in addition to a day and a half of presentation content, helping to ensure that a large number of producers, industry leaders and policy-makers are in attendance. Our own Saskatchewan Forage Council board of directors met on Tuesday afternoon, and we took part in the trade show that ran Tuesday evening through Thursday noon. Saskatchewan Verified Beef Production held its AGM on Tuesday, and Wednesday meetings included the Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders AGM and a Saskatchewan Shorthorn board meeting. The semi-annual meeting of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers and the annual general meetings of the Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association were both held on Thursday.

Presentation topics ranged from agriculture advocacy in the Senate with keynote Senator Rob Black, to a fireside chat about the future of the industry with young producers Garret Poletz and Julie Mortenson. Dr. Stuart Smythe provided a thought-provoking keynote on the impact of environmental activists. Wednesday afternoon was devoted to “Cattle College”, managed by the Saskatchewan Beef and Forage Symposium, covering a range of topics including animal health and nutrition, water quality, forage production and the economics of cattle production. Dr. Jude Capper opened Thursday morning with a look at sustainable cattle production, followed by programming updates from Saskatchewan Crop Insurance and the Ministry of Agriculture. A Canfax market update and a look at the challenging realities impacting large animal veterinarians by closing keynote Dr. Sydney Crosby rounded out the conference.

The energy was strong and positive throughout the conference. Wednesday evening’s awards banquet included entertainment by Tuffnell Saskatchewan’s farmer-turned-comedian and well-known YouTuber Quick Dick McDick (well-known to insiders as Dickson Delorme). Congratulations to 2021 SBIC scholarship recipients Caylee Dorval (Lakeland College) and Garret Beach (U of S Agriculture; Animal Science), and the 2022 recipients Marianne Sytny (Western College of Veterinary Medicine), Abbey Taylor (Olds College) and Morgan Lehman (U of S Agriculture; Animal Science). A successful fund-raising auction in support of the scholarship program rounded out the evening.

It was great to be “back in the saddle” at this event. Sask Forage Council, as a member of the Saskatchewan Beef and Forage Symposium, is always grateful for the opportunity to be a participant at SBIC. We look forward to the 2024 conference, tentatively planned for January 16th though 18th.


Saskatchewan Forage Council AGM
